Help sick children smile!
There are many different ways you could help ensure that this wonderful project comes to fruition. A direct donation would be wonderful of course, but in addition perhaps you might consider helping us fundraise?!
We are not expecting you to organise and host a gala dinner (although if you want to do exactly that, please don't hesitate!), it can be much, much simpler than that and still very effective.
With a bit of creativity, daring and some great online organisation tools, raising funds can be easy and fun as well as a great way to engage a whole community, be it friends, family, church, scouts or other group.
Here are just some ideas as well as a couple of useful handouts that you can print off. And, of course, we stand ready to support you in your fundraising anyway we can. Just send an email to:
Thank you in advance for your help!

Donations instead of gifts!
An incredibly simple but effective way to raise funds for a project that is close to your heart, is to ask that your loved ones provide a donation to your chosen charity rather than a gift for your birthday, first communion, confirmation, wedding or anniversary.
If you know of a theatre production, concert or lecture that is being planned, perhaps you could ask the organisers to give a portion of ticket sales to the project, or make an announcement at the interval to tell the audience about the project and ask for donations in buckets as they leave the venue? Don't be shy. Often organisers like to be associated with a project that their audience is likely to feel connected to.

Ticket Sales

Brocante/Garage Sales

Set yourself a goal - perhaps a marathon, a cross-country cycle or simply jumping on the new family trampoline - and then ask friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you. With social media and online sponsorship sites, you will be amazed how much goodwill, and money, you can raise while having fun.

Your time and skills can be the greatest fundraising assets that you have and they are very very sought after! Kids Care hosts at least one fundraising event a month, if not two (or more!). Perhaps you could help behind the scenes with the organisation, or the setting up before the event, or on the day/evening itself. It is a great way to meet people!

Useful handouts

Time to make some space at home, or in your garage/shed/attic/
cellar?!? Then why not de-clutter and fundraise at the same time by holding a garage sale and donating the proceeds to the project?