Nurture with Nature!

Kids' Care asbl would like to create a sensory garden at HUDERF, Belgium's only dedicated children's hospital. It will be an area where the young patients, their parents and siblings as well as hospital personnel can sit in the sunshine, watch the wildlife, smell the plants and simply enjoy a moment in nature.
Medical treatment can be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting. Even traumatic. And all the more so when it involves children. Being able to get outside, connect with nature and breathe fresh air will contribute to everyone's wellbeing.
Please help Kids Care asbl to make this dream a reality.

They say "It takes a village to raise a child" and for this garden to start to become a reality by summer 2019 and complete by summer 2020 - thereby enabling young patients to enjoy being in nature - we certainly need the help of the wider community. Of you!
A donation would, of course, be very welcome, and you could also support this project in other ways: by volunteering to help at a fundraising event; by organising your own fundraising event; by asking your church, school or other groups to select this project as the focus of their charitable effort this year; or simply, by encouraging your friends and family to help.
We can not do this without you. Please help anyway you can!

The Garden Project
Two small pieces of land next to the hospital's school and its' newly created playground have been earmarked for the garden. The lower piece of land will become an area for socialising and eating al-fresco surrounded by colourful and fragrant plants, while the higher section - an existing green area - will be made more accessible and become a peaceful garden for quiet reflection.
A landscape architect has generously offered her time to help create the garden and fundraising is underway. We hope to complete Phase 1 by summer 2019, with the official opening by summer 2020.
Goal: 100.000 euros
We are still finalising the detailed plans for the garden but initial site visits and draft designs suggest that the project - including a maintenance fund for the long-term upkeep of the garden - will amount to approximately 100.000 euros.
As of August 30, 2019, we have raised 55.000 euros. This page will be updated each month so that you can see how the project and the fundraising is progressing.

August 2019: 55.000 euros