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Fundraising has been a wonderful success and just 18 months after launching the campaign, we have reached our target thanks to the generosity of donors, fundraisers and volunteers! Thank you all!!! Construction has begun on the playground and it will open on May 28th, 2016. 

However, we are still accepting donations as we would like to make the site safer for visiting children by securing it with a fence.  Fundraising continues to be coordinated by HUDERF's Kids Care charity, which aims to improve the well-being of the hospital's patients and their families. 


If you would like to make a donation, you can do so by bank transfer to the following account:


IBAN: BE44 3100 7581 1145  (code BIC : BBRUBEBB)


Please note:

-- All donations must be clearly indicated as being for the 'PLAYGROUND' project. 

-- All donations greater than 40 euros are tax deductible. 


For further information about making a donation, hosting or helping with a fundraising event, or Kids Care asbl, please send an email to:


Thank You! 

Goal: 100.000 euros

Every little helps!

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